Increase sustainability and profitability of your products

Our expertise in circular economy and digital transformation empowers us to develop the most innovative processes and tools for the circular transformation. Our solutions increase circularity, open new revenue streams and reduce cost.  

Are you prepared for the circular economy?

The digital product passport will change the way customers and all actors around the product lifecycle interact with physical products. Transparent product information, enhanced resale experiences and simplified take-back journeys are just some of the new expectations that customers have of sustainable brands.

One-stop shop for circularity

Link all your circularity processes and business models (repair, resell, ...) with your product and customers!
See service

Plug & play solution

Recommerce, take-back or localized recycle and repair information live after a one time set-up.

See service

Extensible and flexible

Have a specific circular use case for your product? The LoopID framework is built for easy customization.
See service

Welcoming the circular transformation

The internet and internet technologies have changed the way we do business over the last decades. Artificial intelligence, digital twin and distributed ledger technologies are helping us to solve the challenges of climate change and implement new forms of customer engagement.


Make - sell - throw away. The outdated linear model is not only ecologically unsustainable, but will also soon become economically unviable.


New business models have become feasible thanks to new technologies. Find out about the new opportunities for your organization.

Multi-industry applications

Use case examples we offer:

Deploy your own peer-to-peer online shop allowing users to list their products for sale with a tap of their phones, secured by digital product passports and secure NFC technology.


Fashion, furniture, electronics

Transparent repair history
Retain a higher value for your products by offering a transparent and immutable repair log where only verified parties can add repairs to.


Industrial machines, electronics

Decentralized take-back
When a product is as its end of life, users can scan it and be directed to the closest partner to return it securely and receive an incentive for their circular contribution.


Fashion, furniture, electronics

Spare parts and maintainance
When a product faces an issue, users are one tap away from requesting customized support, spare parts, maintenance or repair services directly by the manufacturer through the product's scannable label.


Fashion, furniture, electronics

Why LoopID?

Other solutions on the market focus on regulatory compliance and increasing the cost of your products.

Only LoopID focuses on how you can benefit from the circular economy through innovative new business models and use cases.

With us, you will be compliant with upcoming regulations such as the Ecodesign Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR) and the Digital Product Passport (DDP) while improving your customer loyalty, profitability and carbon footprint.

Plug and play

Test and deploy circular processes in a matter of days, not months! Connect your already existing applications to leverage already existing product information while capturing new life-cycle data from your products.

No vendor lock-in

We create digital extensions of your product. Easy export and self-manage solutions are possible even if not using LoopID software. Learn more about our open source license!

Digital persistancy

How long does your product live? Our digital product touchpoint are as persistent as the internet.

Regulation compliance

Our tools are future-proofed by keeping up to date with legal requirements as the ESRP so you don't have to.

One "tap" Shop

Read information of a product, verify its origin or add a repair event as a workshop with one tap of any mobile phone. No app installations are required in the circular economy.

Granular data access

Define what parties are able to access what data points of your products. Recyclers, suppliers and customer need different data scopes when interacting with your products

Circularity focus

Our business is not to sell regulation compliance for your products. Our goal is to unlock circular revenue for your business together. A win-win.


We have no agenda to push a particular way of fulfilling regulation. Circularity is our mission, and we apply the technologies which solve the problem in the best way.

About LoopID

Technology and collaboration are the enablers of the circular economy. This is the idea that gave origin to LoopID. Based in Munich, the founding team (from Germany and Costa Rica) bring their decades of experience on areas as digital transformation, circular business models and interoperable technologies (AI, semantic web, DLT, DID, IoT) to build the tools and processes companies are missing on their circular transformation journey.